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Funded by Medicaid, A Caring Touch for Seniors allows patients to choose a family member to provide their care. The caregiver gets paid and you receive the care you deserve from someone you know, love and trust!
Georgia’s Trusted Provider for Family Caregiving
See why families are joining A Caring Touch for Seniors where a family member gets paid to care for their loved one in need.

You may be eligible!

You are likely eligible if you have Medicaid.
Fill out the form below to see how fast you can get started with pay & benefits.
Contact Information:

Are you the patient?

Does the patient have Medicaid? (Medicare is NOT enough)

Caregiver and patient live in the same home?

What is Structed Family Caregiving?

Structured Family Caregiving is a Medicaid waiver program offered in the state of Georgia. This program allows family members to care for their loved ones at home. The overall goal is to help keep individuals out of the nursing home by allowing them to be cared for in the comfort of their own home by a family member they know, love and trust.
To Qualify
Our trusted team can assist you with the application process. You must meet the Structured Family Caregiving Program eligibility to be approved.

Getting Care You Trust Is Simple

1. Live in Georgia

You must live in the state of Georgia

2. Live with a Caregiver

You must be a family member and live in the same home as the Caregiver (either their home or the home of the Caregiver).

3. Have Medicaid and get on a Waiver

Be eligible for Medicaid or already have Medicaid and meet the financial requirements for the Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program. (Don't worry! We can help you!)

All of Our Family Caregivers Get

Bi-Weekly Direct Deposits

Dedicated Support

You Get Care They Get Paid!

You receive the care you can trust, your loved ones get paid bi-weekly, and everyone gets peace of mind.